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Inspiring the Next Generation: How Gemma McDonald and Greene King Support Women in Tech

Alison  Connaughton (She/Her) our consultant managing the role

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The tech industry has traditionally been a male-dominated field, but that narrative is shifting as more and more women are making their mark. At Greene King, we're proud to have trailblazers like Gemma, our IT Test Manager, who is shattering glass ceilings and inspiring the next generation of Women in Tech.

Gemma's journey into the world of technology looked a little bit different to what some might expect. "I was seconded from a call centre to IT," she recalls. 

Through this transition, Gemma gained a fascinating insight into how companies utilise technology to put customers and users at the forefront of everything – a realisation that sparked her interest in the industry for many years to come.

Overcoming Unconscious Bias

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Working in a male-dominated discipline is not without its challenges, and Gemma has faced her fair share. "I used to overthink the way I conducted myself in the workplace," she admits. The constant worry of being perceived as unnecessarily harsh or aggressive, simply for asserting herself, was a burden she carried. 

However, through self-education and introspection, she recognised the need to challenge not only the biases present in her work environment but also her own unconscious biases.

Looking back on her career, Gemma acknowledges that being more vocal in calling out unconscious microaggressions could have helped break down barriers more effectively. "It can be easy to overlook this type of conduct due to not wanting to 'offend' the other person, ironically," she explains. 

Her advice to women starting out in their tech careers? "Have self-belief! Everything is within your ability, as much as any male peer. Do your part to support other women – celebrate success, encourage voices to be heard, build a network”.

The Importance of Representation

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When asked about the significance of having more women in tech, Gemma emphasises the need for diverse perspectives and experiences. 

"I am really proud to be part of the growing number of women forging our way in a typically male-dominated area of employment. Statistically, the number of women working in Tech is increasing, but we still only represent less than 30% of the overall number of people working in the sector. We need to keep encouraging women to join this under-represented area so there's a good balance of experience and backgrounds." 

At Greene King, we strive to create an inclusive culture where all employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential. 

"I absolutely love the Greene King team vibe," Gemma shares. "I feel very lucky to have found a company that promotes such a great sense of belonging".

Pointing to a former manager, Gemma said: "She helped mentor me over several years in how I could help myself, and my female peers, to realise our own ability to change the norm." Gemma is excited to pay it forward, sharing her own experiences and insights with those breaking into the field.


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"I absolutely love the Greene King team vibe – I feel very lucky to have found a company that promotes such a great sense of belonging to a 'family'," she says. 

"I love that our IT department is at the forefront of exploring new and innovative tech and that part of my role is testing the quality of that tech, by way of ever-creative attempts to 'break' it!" 

Greene King is committed to breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes. This starts with celebrating women like Gemma whose resilience, vision and passion are driving forces that will transform both the company and entire technology landscape. 

By empowering and elevating Women in Tech, we’re excited to build a more innovative and equitable future for all.

Are you ready to be a part of this exciting journey and make your mark in the tech world? Explore our IT jobs at Greene King and join a team that values diversity, inclusion, and innovation. Apply today and help us shape the future of technology!

Alison  Connaughton (She/Her) our consultant managing the role


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