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How to craft the perfect pub job CV

Billie  McGibbon our consultant managing the role

Do you need a CV for a pub job?

Think of your pub CV like a well-brewed beer - it should leave a great aftertaste. It's your chance to showcase your soft and hard skills. It doesn't take long to put one together, and it's the perfect way to stand out and impress!


Why having a CV for a pub role is so important

An employer needs to know that you're up for the job. If you can highlight times when you've used those soft and hard skills to deliver value for your employer, you'll make it pretty hard for them to say no to you.


At Greene King, when we welcome someone into the team, we like to think we're giving them a chance to represent our brand. We've got a well-established reputation for serving deliciously cold pints in warm, welcoming pubs. The detail and time that a person puts into their CV helps us understand if they'll protect that reputation.


What do you need to include?


What should a CV look like you ask? Everyone’s will look different, but here are the essential ingredients for a pub CV:

  • Personal details: Your full name, phone number, and email address.
  • Professional summary: A brief statement to highlight relevant experience, skills, and career goals. But make it punchy!
  • Work experience: List your previous work experience, including job titles, dates of employment, and key responsibilities and achievements.
  • Education and qualifications: Outline your educational qualifications, including the name of the institution, what you studied and your grade.
  • Skills: List relevant skills, including attention to detail, teamwork and anything that showcases strong customer care.
  • References: Include the names and contact details of two or three professionals that can vouch for your greatness.

How do I describe my previous pub experience on my CV?

If you've got experience working in a pub, you need to make sure you're really shouting about it.

  • List jobs chronologically: Start with the most recent experience and work backwards.
  • Use active verbs: Starting accomplishments with an active verb is a great attention-grabber. For example, 'Provided a speedy, friendly and personal service.'
  • Highlight relevant skills: Ask yourself which skills show you're the perfect candidate.
  • Quantify achievements: Numbers help back up what you're saying. For example, 'Received three positive feedback slips from customers in one month.'

What if I don’t have any experience?

If you don't have any work experience, do not worry. Everyone has to start somewhere! A CV is simply about showing that you're the best candidate for the job, and here's how you can do that:

  • Soft skills: Character traits such as teamwork, organisation and patience are all soft skills you can develop outside of work.
  • Let your personality shine: Do you care about making people happy and enjoy nothing more than getting to know people?
  • Willingness to learn: Include courses or extra-curricular activities that show your commitment to personal and professional development.

And if you think you’d be more confident with some experience behind you, there’s always the option of a hospitality apprenticeship. You can think of an apprenticeship as a way to fast track your learning, giving you the skills and training you need to do a great job. Plus, you earn whilst you learn!


Our top three tips to write the perfect pub job CV!

There's a lot of CV writing advice out there. So let's make it simple by summarising it into three top tips.


Cut out the fluff

Playing the recorder in primary school might have been a highlight of your musical career at the time. But if it doesn't relate to the job you're applying for, it's best to leave it out. And as far as work experience goes, you don’t need to include it all. When asking yourself how far back your CV should go, just think about the relevant skills and experiences that make you a strong candidate.


Tailor it to the company

Tailoring a CV to a company and a role is like seasoning a dish - it adds flavour and makes it more appetizing.


Polish & error check

Just like you wouldn't send out a customer's order before you've double checked that it's right, you don't want to send your CV until you're 100% sure it's error-free.


Are you ready to put those tips into action and apply for a pub role?


If you know how to make customers feel right at home, we've got a job for you. At Greene King, it's the people that make our pubs what they are. Our regulars don't just come back for the cold pints. It's also about the warm welcome they get when they step through the door.

Find a pub management role near you and discover what it means to do it the Greene King way. Or, head to our bar and waiting for roles or kitchen vacancies to explore more opportunities.

Billie  McGibbon our consultant managing the role


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