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Champions for Change – The Power of Allyship at Greene King

Billie  McGibbon our consultant managing the role

What does it mean to be an ally? It's a question that calls us to look beyond our own experience, to see the inequities and barriers faced by others in our midst.

At Greene King, we believe that fostering a culture of authentic allyship isn't just a nice-to-have. It's essential to creating a truly inclusive workplace where everyone can bring their full selves and thrive. By embracing allyship, we can work together to make our pubs and hotels safe, welcoming, and empowering for all.

That's why we've made it a priority to create spaces and resources that empower our people to show up as allies.

Allyship Starts with Awareness

Our Employee Led Inclusion Groups (ELIGs) serve a dual purpose for community connection aswell as hubs of allyship, providing brave spaces for marginalised team members to raise awareness, share their truths, and drive progress. At Greene King, we actively encourage people from all backgrounds to get involved, because true inclusion can only be achieved when we all feel seen and heard.

Through our Inclusive Leadership, Recruitment Training and Inclusion & Diversity Calendar, we're equipping Greene King employees with a deeper understanding of the diverse experiences and perspectives that exist within our walls and how to make everyone feel like they can belong.

One powerful example is our "Pint of Perspective" podcast, where members of our ELIGs and wider marinalised communities open up about their experiences and the importance of feeling seen, heard, and supported at work. By elevating these voices and stories, we're encouraging all Greene King employees to step into allyship.

Beyond that, our monthly ELIG-led events celebrate everything from Pride to South Asian Heritage – to provide powerful opportunities to listen, learn, and show up in solidarity. Because when we make the effort to truly see each other, we build bridges not barriers. 

Allies in Action

Allyship isn't a spectator sport. It requires courage, vulnerability, and a steadfast commitment to using your voice and influence to uplift others.

Whether it's calling out poor behaviour (sometimes known as a  microaggression), mentoring an underrepresented colleague, or attending an ELIG event to learn and show support – there are so many ways to put allyship into practice. The change we seek begins with each of us stepping up.

Because true inclusion can only be achieved when we all feel empowered to bring our full, authentic selves to work. When we have each other's backs, that's when the magic happens. Ideas flourish, barriers crumble, and everyone gets to show up to work as they are.

Practical Steps to Be an Ally

Listen & Learn: Educate yourself on the challenges faced by marginalised groups. Approach conversations with genuine curiosity.

Speak Up: Use your voice to amplify underrepresented perspectives. Challenge biases and microaggressions.

Provide Support: Offer solidarity through mentorship, attending ELIG events, or simply checking in on colleagues.

Continuously Improve: Allyship is an ongoing journey. Seek feedback and deepen your commitment to inclusivity.

As allies, we have the power to create profound, lasting change. Not just for the individual causes we support, but for our entire organisation and the customers and communities we serve. Because when we make belonging a reality for everyone, we unleash untapped potential, build stronger connections, and show the world what it looks like when a workforce truly has each other's backs.

So let's get to work. The future of Greene King is one where everyone belongs.

Billie  McGibbon our consultant managing the role


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